Sunday, October 7, 2012

Everyone has a philosophy, right?

Well, I am officially a bad, bad blogger. I mean so well by this blog. I think about it a lot but I haven't had a blog in a long time and am clearing out space for this blog so it can grow. This blog needs to mature, it needs to express, it needs carriage rides! This time of year, they grow scarcer and scarcer, so I got a part time job to go along with my dwindling carriage rides. Autumn is also the time of year that rejection takes on a whole new meaning on the carriage line. When you ask people if they want a carriage ride and it's cold out, they look at you like you asked for a kidney. No preface, just desperate,"Hey, man- you! Hey, can you donate a kidney to me, man? I really need it and I'd really appreciate it!" They rush away from you like you were homeless and annoying. Unless the people you solicited are from Northern Climes or drunk, in which case a big blanket is enough incentive for a cooler ride. The fun is just getting started here in Memphis as we've had a few November days here recently, one of which I got to drive in, in the rain. Perhaps this blog will create room for lots of sanity for a carriage driver in the winter in a city where we have agreed there must be carriages on the street 365 days a year, unlike the companies I've seen online. They work Saturdays in the colder months. Not us, no, not one December birthday nor February anniversary will go without it's carriage ride, not here in Memphis, no sir. No, here in Memphis, we carriage drivers take care of our citizens! We make sure that  ''Im sorry', 'I love you',  or 'I miss you' are a little more meaningful and and 'I would love a carriage ride!!', a desire fulfilled.

Concentration and mental toughness are the margins of victory. 
Until next time.



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